1. Art is recognized as an important part of a community’s culture, livability, and vitality;
2. The City of Willcox has a desire to further art in the community;
3. It would be beneficial to the Willcox community for the City to establish an entity to take the lead on developing public art projects and incorporating art into the community
1. Incorporate murals into the Community that fit the style of the area and venue
2. Support community programs that further the arts
3. Create diverse and interactive projects that further the arts
4. Host events that showcase different styles and kinds of artwork
Chairwoman Gayle Berry; Willcox Theater and Arts
Vice Chairwoman Dorothee Crawford; Willcox Arts League
Amanda Berger; WUSD
Mary Peterson; Willcox Chamber of Commerce and Agriculture
Ned Robbins; Member At-Large
Vacant; Sulphur Springs Valley Historical Society
Vacant; Member At-Large
Meeting Minutes