Willcox 2040 General Plan

Click here to see the Willcox 2040 General Plan.

What is the General Plan?  

The General Plan serves as a road map for growth and development over the next 20 years in Willcox. Its recommendations are framed into an implementation strategy for accomplishing stated goals and objectives. While the General Plan recognizes existing development conditions, it plans for desired future progress while preserving the community’s history and shared values.

More specifically, the General Plan contains a vision statement, along with maps, goals, policies and implementation strategies that address issues such as land use, growth, circulation, parks and open space, and the environment.

How does the General Plan fit into decision-making?

A General Plan guides the City Council and staff in decision-making. It provides clear direction regarding the community vision, aspirations, values, and goals.  It’s also the foundation of all other regulations. The Zoning Regulations implement the General Plan polices and goals via development regulations and standards that govern individual uses on property.

General Information
Building Official
Jeff Stoddard
Administrative Assistant
Amber Bowlby
Phone Numbers
(520) 766-4211
Emergencies: Dial 911
101 S. Railroad Avenue

Monday - Friday
8:00am - 5:00pm