Street Maintenance

The Street Division handles the patching of potholes on City streets, street resurfacing, repairs on curbs, and repairs and installation of wheelchair ramps. Streets also investigates reports of hazardous sidewalks.”

As part of general maintenance, the Street Division inspects and rates all street surfaces under the City's jurisdiction. Citizens can look up current pavement conditions using our Pavement Condition Map. (Show Map on Page) Template should include a giant picture for the map of roads. Basic overview of roads, score, and pdf of upcoming road projects.

Below is a map showing road conditions in Willcox.

Darker red means the road has higher priority for repair. Roads with no coloring are owned by the state, county, or federal government and are not maintained by the City of Willcox.

General Information
Public Works Superintendent
William (Chilly) Teeters
Streets Foreman
Andy Horn
Administrative Assistant
Amber Bowlby
250 N Railroad Ave, Willcox, AZ 85643